Flot's new logo
Posted January 28, 2013 by dnschnurFlot has never had a logo, and as classy as Github’s Octocat silhouette profile picture may be, we felt that it was time for something a little more unique. If you’ve visited our site recently then you’ve already seen it, hiding inside the title at the top-left corner of the page. Here’s a larger version:

The design features a simple, colorful, recognizable shape that evokes a pie chart and integrates with the text of Flot’s name. We hope you like it!
We’ve also been busy finalizing the 0.8.0 release; the last major work-item, finalizing canvas text support, is now available in draft form as pull request #935. Since this is a major change, we’d greatly appreciate feedback on our design and direction; please add any comments directly to the pull request. We’ll enter beta as soon as this is merged.
Last, but not least, we’ve just pushed a re-design of the built-in examples. All the pages have received minor face-lifts, with a larger placeholder, cleaner text, and the version of Flot used to render the example (addressing issue #626). We have many more example and documentation improvements planned for 0.9.0.