Flot 0.8.3 released

Posted April 21, 2014 by dnschnur

We’ve released Flot 0.8.3, with fixes for jQuery compatibility, the resize plugin, axis labels, regressions from earlier 0.8.x releases, and more. You can download 0.8.3 here.

Important Bug Fixes in 0.8.3

Compatibility: Fixed compatibility issues with both older (pre-1.4.x) and newer (1.9.x and later) jQuery versions.

Resize plugin: Applied fixes to the the inline jQuery Resize plugin to address a regression that resulted in unexpectedly high CPU usage, as well as an error when using older versions of Internet Explorer.

Axes: Fixed regressions related to axis options and ticks, including bugs in the way space was reserved for the first and last tick labels.

See the NEWS file for a complete listing of changes made and bugs fixed.


We’d like to give special thanks to andig, btccointicker, dmfalke, EGLadona, Elite Gamer, jorese, Josh Pigford, Neil Katin, ngavard, Paolo Valleri, Phil Tsarik, soenter, tleish, and tommie for reporting issues or contributing fixes for this release.